Thursday, May 14, 2015

Beyond the Speak Up Forum: Updates and Further Explanations

                   University of Santo Tomas (UST) - The Administration of the Faculty of Arts and Letters and AB Student Council (ABSC) clarify that further investigations on the lost 50,000 PHP worth of funds are being done and that Type B uniform designs have been submitted.

                Last Feb. 10, a face-to-face dialogue with the members of the administration and AB Student Council (ABSC) was held at the AB Lecture Hall, where most discussions covered updates regarding the loss of 50,000 PHP worth of funds and implementation of wearing the Type B uniform.

                It is reported that the funds went missing last October 24, 2014. According to the administration and ABSC, hearings have been cancelled and re-scheduled several times due to incidences that hinder the members of the panel to become complete for the investigation.

                The ABSC president, Marie Jann Klaire Lazo clarified that a specific schedule for the hearing hasnt been announced yet due to certain time conflicts occurring because of different college activities that the Students Welfare Development Board (SWDB) still needs to attend to.

                Andoon ako nung nawala siya (50K). Lazo stated. She also added that the amount of cash wasnt placed inside a vault but rather it was inside the bag of the treasurer, Julienne Avila.

                "It is going to be a fact finding session." Asst. Professor Narcisa N. Tabirara, the assistant dean of the faculty of arts and letters and coordinator of the SWDB stated. According to her, members of the ABSC had to prepare their statements and narratives which had to be reviewed by the administration.

            She also added that she reffered to some legal opinion which she cannot discuss further in order to keep the investigation process private. The assistant dean clarified that the ABSC members will be called individually to verify facts to the panel in order to come up with findings for the investigation.

            Tabirara also stated that, the situation was that certain amout ofmoney was lost in the custody of the student council and that she believes that in order to prevent such incident from happening again, persons in charge of safe keeping should be careful with the huge amount of money that they are holding.

            She also addressed that in order to avoid such loss of amount; process of disbursements should be reviewed and approved by an adviser.

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