Monday, May 18, 2015

Foreign Words and Phrases

1.   A cappella - “in the manner of church,” singing without instrumental accompaniment
2.   A fortiori - “from the stronger,” with greater reason or more convincing force —used in drawing a conclusion that is inferred to be even more certain than another 
3.   A la (à la) - in the manner or style of, as prepared in (cookery), by, for (a particular person)
4.   A la carte – with a separate price for each item on the menu
5.   A la mode – topped with ice cream, in a fashionable mode
6.   A posteriori – “from the later,” justification is dependent on experience or empirical evidence
7.   A priori -“from earlier,” knowledge or justification is independent of experience
8.   Ab initio – “from the beginning”
9.   Accoutrement -a piece of clothing or equipment that is used in a particular place or for a particular activity
10.        Achilles heel – physical vulnerability, fault or weakness that causes someone to fail
11.        Ad hoc- “for this,” signifies a solution designed for a specific problem or task, for a specific purpose
12.        Ad hominem (usage)- “to the man,” “to the person,” appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect,  marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made
13.        Ad infinitum – “to infinity,” “forevermore,”  “to continue forever without limit,” without an end or limit
14.        Ad lib(itum) – “at one’s pleasure,” at liberty, To improvise and deliver extemporaneously
15.        Ad nauseam -erm for a discussion that has continued so long that it has continued "to [the point of] nausea,” to a sickening or excessive degree
16.        Adonis - handsome
17.        Aegis -he protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization.
18.        Affidavit -is a written sworn statement of fact voluntarily made by an affiant or deponent under an oath or affirmation administered by a person authorized to do so by law
19.        Aficionado -a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime
20.        Agent provocateur - a person who induces others to break the law so that they can be convicted.
21.         Agitprop- political (originally communist) propaganda, especially in art or literature.
22.         Aide memoire - an aid to the memory, a mnemonic device,  proposed agreement or negotiating text circulated informally among delegations for discussion without committing the originating delegation's country to the contents
23.         Alfresco – open air, outdoors
24.         Alibi – excuse, reason, form of defense used in procedure wherein the accused attempts to prove that he or she was in some other place at the time the alleged offense was committed
25.         Alpha and omega – the beginning and end
26.         Ambiance –character and atmosphere of the place
27.         Amok -  state of murderous frenzy, originally observed among Malays
28.         Amour proper - a sense of one's own worth; self-respect.
29.         Anathema - something or someone that one vehemently dislikes, a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine
30.         Ancien regime - a political or social system that has been displaced, typically by one more modern.
31.         Annus horribilis – a year of disaster or misfortune
32.         Annus mirabilis – a remarkable or auspicious year
33.        Ante - a stake put up by a player in poker and similar games before receiving cards.
put up an amount as an ante in poker and similar games.
34.         Ante bellum - occurring or existing before a particular war, especially the American Civil War.
35.         Aphrodisiac  - a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire, a thing that causes excitement
36.         Apropos – with reference to, meaning, used to state a speaker's belief that someone's comments or acts are unrelated to any previous discussion or situation,
37.         Attaché -  person who is assigned ('attached') to the diplomatic or administrative staff of a higher placed person or another service or agency.
38.        Au contraire – on the contrary
39.        Au courant – well informed, up-to-date
40.        Au fait - having a good or detailed knowledge of something
41.        Au naturel with no elaborate treatment, dressing, or preparation
42.         Avant-garde - an artist or group associated with the use of new techniques in their field, of or pertaining to such an artist or group or (cutting edge, radically new) approach
43.        Bar mitzvah  the religious initiation ceremony of a Jewish boy who has reached the age of 13 and is regarded as ready to observe religious precepts and eligible to take part in public worship.
44.         Bat mitzvah  -a religious initiation ceremony for a Jewish girl aged twelve years and one day, regarded as the age of religious maturity.
45.         Belle  – popular and attractive girl or woman
46.         Beau – a woman’s male lover or friend, handsome
47.         Berserk – one whose actions are recklessly defiant, an ancient Scandinavian warrior frenzied in battle and held to be invulnerable
48.         Bête noire- a person or thing one paraticularly dislikes
49.         Blitz- an intensive or sudden military attack.
50.         Blitzkrieg -rapid, intensive attack, originally used to describe sudden military offensives
51.         Bona fide, bona fides -authentic, genuine, in good faith
53.         Bourgeoisie – a woman of the middle class
54.         Caesar’s wife - a person who is required to be above suspicion.
55.         Canard –a false report or story
56.         Capiche, capeesh, capische, etc “do you understand?"
57.         Carte blanche –a permission to do something in any way you choose to do it
58.         Casus belli – an event or action that justifies a war or conflict
59.         Cause célèbre –a legal case that excites widespread interest, a notorious person thing, incident or episode
60.         Caveat- explanation or warning that should be remembered when you are doing or thinking about something
61.         C'est la vie - that's life, such is life.
62.         Ceteris paribus- with other conditions remaining the same
64.         Comme ça - like this like that”
66.         Confidante – a female confidant
67.         Cordon sanitaire –a protective barrier against a potentially aggressive nation or a dangerous influence
68.         Corpus delicti –the substantial and fundamental fact necessary to prove the commission of a crime
69.         Coup d’état –a sudden decisive exercise of force in the politics
70.         Coup de foudre - love at first sight
71.         Coup de grace “stroke of grace,” a blow by which a mortally wounded person or thing is mercifully killed 
72.         Crème de la crème – the very best
73.         Cri de Coeur -  “cry from the heart,” passionate appeal or protest
74.         Crise de conscience - agonizing period of moral uncertainty.
75.         Cui bono? -who stands to gain?
76.         Cul de sac – a street designed to connect at another street only at one end
77.         Cum – used in hyphenated phrases that describe a person with two jobs
78.         Danse macabre
79.         De facto -whether by right or not
80.         De jure – “of law,” rightful; by right
81.         De mortuis nil nisi bonum -
82.         De rigueur – necessary if you want to be fashionable, popular or socially acceptable
83.         Debacle – a great disaster or complete failure
84.         Déjà vu -the sensation of having previously experienced something that one is experiencing
85.         Demeanor -a person’s appearance and behavior, the way someone seems to be to other people
86.         Deo volente – God being willing
87.         Dictum – a statement or well know remark that expresses an important idea or rule
88.         Diktat -  an order that must be followed
89.         Divorcée- divorced woman
91.         divorcee –both men and women have divorced
92.         Dolce vita a life of indolence and self-indulgence
93.         Doppelgänger –a ghostly counterpart of a living person
94.         Double entendre –a word of expression that can be understood in two different ways with one way usually referring to sex
95.         Dreidel –a 4-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top in a game chance
96.         Drivel – to talk in a very foolish way
97.         Du jour –served in a restaurant as a special item on a particular day, happening or popular at a particular time
98.         E.g. – for example
100.      En masse- as a single group all together
101.     En route –on or along the way when you are going to a place
103.     in vogue – in the current fashion or in style
104.     Entente cordiale – a friendly agreement or working relationship
105.     Ergo – therefore, hence
106.     Erratum - error
107.     Ersatz –copied from something else and usually not as good as the original
108.    Esprit de corps – feelings of loyalty, enthusiasm and devotion to a group among people who are members of the group
109.     Et al. –and others
110.     Et cetera (etc.) –and others especially of the same kind: and so forth
111.     Ex officio – “out of duty,” by virtue of one's position or status
112.     Ex post facto- after the fact
113.     Fabian tactics - military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection.
114.     Fait accompli – “accomplished fact,” a thing that has been done or decided and cannot now be altered 
115.     Fatwah – a legal opinion or decree handed down by an islamic religious leader
116.    Faux pas – “ false step,” an embarrassing blunder or indiscretion
117.    Femme fatale – “disastrous woman,” a seductive woman 
120.    Floreat  - may flourish
121.    Force majeure – superior or irresistible force
122.    Forte- the par of a sword or foil blade that is between the misled and the hilt that is the strongest par of the blade, one’s strong point
123.    Futz  -waste time; idle or busy oneself aimlessly
124.    Putz - a stupid or worthless person
125.    Gaudeamus - a university students' gathering or merry-making
126.    Gesundheit –used to wish good health to someone has sneezed
127.    Gist - the substance or essence of a speech or text.
128.    Gordian knot – a complicated and difficult problem
129.    Gung-ho – extremely excited and enthusiastic about doing something
130.    Habeas corpus – an order to bring a jailed person before a judge or court to find out if that person should really be in jail
131.    Halcyon days –period of peace and happines
132.    Hara-kiri- ritual suicide by disembowelment practiced by the Japanese samurai or formerly decreed by a court in lieu of death penalty
133.    Hippocratic oath –an oath embodying a code of medical ethincs usually taken by those about to begin medical practice
134.    Hoi polloi - he common people.
135.    Honoris causa  -as a mark of esteem
137.    Idem- same as something previously mentioned
138.    Imbroglio – a complex dispute or argument
139.    Impasse – a situation in which no progress seems possible
140.    Imprimatur –official approval
141.    In absentia –without being present
142.    In extremis – at the point of death, in a very difficult situation
143.    In memoriam –in memory of
144.    In toto - as a whole
145.    In vino veritas - in wine there is truth. 
146.    Incognito –with your true identity kept secret
147.    Inter alia- among other things
148.    Interim – a period of time between evernts
149.    Iota –a very small amount
150.    Ipso facto – because of the fact
151.    Je ne sais quoi –a pleasant quality that is hard to describe
152.    Kamikaze –group of Japanese pilot in World War ii who were assigned to crash their planes into their targets
153.    Kaput- no longer working
154.    Kowtow- to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship or deep respect
155.    Laissez-faire – “to allow to do,” a non-interventionist policy
156.    Lingua franca – common language
157.    Magnum opus- a great work, greatest achievement of an artist or writer
158.    Mandamus – a writ issued by a superior court commanding the performance or a specified official act or duty
159.    Mea culpa- a statement in which you say that something is your fault
160.    Memento mori – a reminder of mortality
161.    Mens sana in corpora sano- "A sound mind in a sound body."
162.    Mensch – a person of integrity and honor
163.    Midas touch – an uncanny ability for making money in every venture
164.    Milieu – the physical or social setting in which people live or in which something happens or develops
165.    Modus operandi (m.o, MO) – a usual way of doing something, the usual way that a particular criminal performs a crime
166.    Modus Vivendi – an arrangement that helps people, groups or countries work together peacefully even though they do not agree with each other
167.    Omnibus -a volume containing several novels or other items previously published separately.
168.    Moratorium – a time when a particular activity is not allowed
169.    Muumuu – a Hawaian dress that is usually long, loose-fitting and decorated with bright colors
170.    Nebbish – a  timid meek or ineffectual person
171.    Noblese oblige – the idea that people who have high social rank or wealth should  be helpful and generous to people of lower rank or to people who are poor
172.    Noel- a Christmas carol
173.    Nowel- shout of joy for Chirstmas
174.    Nom de plume- a name used by a writer instead of the writer’s real name
175.    Non sequitur – a statement that is not connected in a logical or clear wy to anything said before it
176.    Nota bene – used to call attention to something important
177.    Nouveau riche – “New Rich,”  people who have recently become rich and who display their wealth ostentatiously 
178.    Nunchucks - pair of hardwood sticks joined by a chain or cord and used as a weapon.
179.    Omerta - a code of silence about criminal activity and a refusal to give evidence to authorities.
180.    Pandora’s box – a prolific source of troubles
181.    Papabile - worthy of being or eligible to be pope.
182.    Par excellence – better than all others
183.    Per diem- for each day, per day
184.    Per se-by, of, in itself
185.    Persona non grata –personally unacceptable or unwelcome
186.    Pooh-bah –a person who has a lot of power or influence
187.    Prima facie- at first view, on first appearance
188.    Primus inter pares – first among equals
189.    Pro bono –law, involving or doing legal work for free
190.    Pro forma –done or existing as something that is usual or required but that has little true meaning or importance
191.    Pro patria – for one’s country
192.    Pros and cons – strengths and weakness, advantages and disadantages
193.    Protégé-one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence or imfluence
194.    Proviso- a condition that must be accepted in order for someone to agree to do something, an article or clause that introduces a condition
195.    Quasi – having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes, having a legal status only by operation or construction of law and without reference to intent
196.    Quid pro quo – something that is given to you or done for you in return for something you have given to or done for someone elsse
197.    Quorum – a select group. Number of officers of members of a body that when duly assembled is legally competent to transact business
198.    RAIP/requiescat in pace –“Rest in Peace”
199.    Raison d’être – a reason or justification for existence
200.    Realpolitik – a system of politics based on a country’s situation and its needs rather than on ideas about what is morally right and wrong
201.    Repertoire -  all plays songs, dances that a performer or group of performers know and can perform
202.    Repertory- an organized group of actors that performs many kinds of plays with each play being performed for only a short time
203.    Requiem – a Christian religious ceremony for a dead person
204.    Restaurateur – a person who owns  or manages a restaurant
205.    Résumé - a brief account of a person’s education, qualifications, and previous experience, typically sent with a job application.
206.    Rite de passage – rite of passage, a ritual associated with a crisis or a change of status (marriage, illness, death) of an individual
207.    Sang froid  - composure or coolness, sometimes excessive, as shown in danger or under trying circumstances.
208.    Sans  -without
209.    Savoir faire – the ability to behave in a correct and confident way in different situations
210.    Schadenfreude  -a feeling of enjoyment that comes from seeing or hearing about the troubles of other people
211.    Schmuck –a stupid, foolish person
212.    Shtick- a usual way of performing, behaving speaking, something that a person likes to do or does well
213.    Sic –to attack
214.    Simpatico – agreeable, linkable, being on the same wavelength
215.    Sine die – without any future date being designated, indefinitely
216.    Sine qua non – something that is absolutely needed
217.    Skullduggery – secret or dishonest behavior or activity
218.    Smorgasbord – a meal with many different foods that are placed on a large table so that people can serve themselves, large mixture of heterogenous mixture
219.    Spartan – inhabitant of Sparta, a person of great courage and self-discipline
220.    Status quo- the current situation, the way  things are now
221.    Stet – to direct retention of a word/passage previously ordered to be deleted or omitted from a manuscript or printer’s proof by annotating usually with the word stet, let it stand
222.    Sub judice – before a judge or court, not yet judicially decided
223.    Sub rosa- secretive, private, in confidence
224.    Subpoena –a written order that commands someone to appear in court to give evidence
225.    Sui generis – in a class or group of its own, not like anything else
227.    Magna cum laude –with great honor
228.    Tabula rasa –the mind in its hypothetical primary blank or empty state before receiving outside impressions
230.    Terra firma – dry and solid ground as compared to air or water
231.    Tete-a-tete – a private conversation between two persons, a short piece of furniture intended to seat two persons especially facing each other
232.    Toilette- a formal or fashionable attire or style of dress, a particular costume or outfit
233.    Touché –used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation or a witty point
234.    Tour de force – a very skillful and successful effort or performance, a feat display of strength, skill or ingenuity
235.    Troika – a group of three people, things, countries, etc.
236.    Trojan horse –someone or something that is used to hide what is true or real in order to trick or harm an enemy
237.    Uber – being a superlative example of its kind or class, extreme, excessive degree
238.    Ultra vires-beyond the scope or in excess of legal power or authority
239.    Vamoose – to depart quickly
240.    Verbatim –in the exact words
241.    Verklempt -  "emotionally inhibited in a convulsive way".
242.    Vice versa – with the order changed
243.    Vis-a-vis -‘face-to-face,’  in relation to, as compared with
244.    Viva voce-spoken rather than written
245.    Viz -namely; in other words
246.    Voilà  -there it is, there you are.
247.    Vox populi- “voice of the people,” public opinion
248.    Whirling dervish – a member of a Muslim religious order who has taken vows of poverty and austerity.
249.    Wunderkind – someone who achieves success or shows great talent at a young age
250.    Zeitgeist -thought or sensibility characteristic of a particular period of time